Esoteric Healing Schedule & Registration

Introduction to Energy Medicine Classes Part I and Part II
Keeping your energy healthy & moving … the Donna Eden way!
Schedule & Registration
Introduction to Energy Medicine Part I & Part II
Introduction to Energy Medicine Part II includes the following topics:

  • More self-care and working with others
  • Keeping your Auric field vibrant
  • Relieving pain for more ease & comfort
  • Energy (muscle) testing basics plus how to test for food and substance compatibility
  • Staying energetic & resilient while working with others
  • Give and receive two powerful Eden Energy Medicine protocols which balance your energies, provide deep relaxation and help with insomnia, nausea, & pain








9am - 5pm

Repeat:  $75

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Site by Magical Creations Web Design

Payment Terms
For your convenience, payment may be made with your PayPal account or with your credit card. For additional payment options please message me at the email listed below.
A $25 processing fee will be charged for any returned checks.

There will be no refunds for the Introduction Energy Medicine classes. If class is canceled by your teacher, a full refund will be given.

Email or call 517-347-4618

If you do not receive a prompt reply, please call or email again to ensure you didn’t get lost in cyberspace!

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We will never share, sell, or rent your personal information.

Introduction to Energy Medicine Part I

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Would you like to learn the basics of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) in a fun, supportive setting?  If so, these two classes are for you!  They are straightforward, easy, and full of information to help you take better care of yourself and to help others do the same.

Eden Energy Medicine is at the cutting edge of both clinical and scientific understanding of how to better support health and healing.  It combines concepts & procedures from ancient healing and spiritual traditions with contemporary scientific understanding and reaches into the very heart of being human.  EEM is a hands-on approach that taps into the body’s innate healing wisdom.  We can learn how to heal our bodies by activating its natural healing energies that have become weak, disturbed or out of balance. EEM will teach you ways to restore your health & vitality!  

Introduction to Energy Medicine Classes classes cover many of the key topics from Donna Eden’s award-winning book, Energy Medicine and teach the material that used to be presented in Donna's 5-Day Basic Training. The information gained from these two classes will help you feel and be your best!

Whom do these classes serve?
  • The serious student of energy medicine who wishes to study EEM at a deep level.
  • The more casual student who would like to have a preliminary introduction to EEM to acquire a cursory knowledge of the material & techniques.
  • The student who is undecided whether to invest the time & finances in the year-long EEM Level 1 Fundamentals Program and wants to sample the work.

Please Note:
  • There is no prerequisite for the Introduction to Energy Medicine Part I.  
  • Only students who have completed Part I can take Part II.
  • If you have a portable massage table, you might want to bring it to Part II for the treatment exchange. Otherwise, please bring a yoga mat or blanket (perhaps a pillow) for you to work on the floor.
  • Massage Therapists can receive 6 contact hours per class (additional $10 fee)

Introduction to Energy Medicine classes are taught by authorized teachers.

Introduction to Energy Medicine Part II
  • Please arrive by 8:45 to sign-in, receive your workbooks and be ready to begin at 9am.  
  • Lunch will be provided for an additional $5 each day or you may provide your own. 
  • You must PREREGISTER for this class 
  • Wear COMFORTABLE clothes
  • Prerequisite:  None 
  • Please arrive by 8:45 to sign-in, receive your workbooks and be ready to begin at 9am. (Space is available to rent on first come basis)
  • You must PREREGISTER for this class
  • Wear COMFORTABLE clothes
  • Prerequisite: Intro Part I
  • Bring a massage table if you have one or else a yoga mat/blanket 

Introduction to Energy Medicine Part I includes the following topics:

  • Basics of self-care
  • Activating your body's natural healing abilities to enable you to feel your best
  • Boosting your immune system & metabolism
  • Releasing toxins gently & safely
  • Relieving stress & feeling calmer
  • Keeping your energies humming & feeling more grounded, centered & joyful with a 5-minute Daily Routine

Pre-registration is required
in order to ensure
enough booklets
are printed. 

9am - 5pm

Repeat:  $75

To make a payment go to the Payments tab. 
To make a payment go to the Payments tab.